Saturday, January 26, 2013

You Don't have to be Perfect

        My dear friend commented as she drove past the other day that she feels guilty every time she eats a Snickers and thinks of me. Now, I way know that's not true and I truly thank God for her sense of humor because it's blessed me and ministered to my heart so many times. However, her words reminded me of something quite important...perspective. 

        I realized as she spoke that those who view my blog and Facebook posts might be apt to believe something not quite true of me. The truth is, I'm not perfect!  In fact I'm so full of imperfections -- even in my cooking and dietary habits, believe it or not! Face it, none of us are perfect and even, if we are good at something, chances are we miss the mark in that area, plenty, too!
Death by Chocolate at the Jigger Shop
Here are a few truths about Jody Myers:

  • Although I eat primarily wheat, dairy, and sweetener free, I ALWAYS try at least a finger-full of the batter I'm making for the kids: cookie dough, melted chocolate for the protein bars, muffin dough.....I also always lick the spoon after I've made Jessie or Julia peanut butter toast with honey and cinnamon. Don't worry -- if I'm cooking for you, I'm not dipping -- or at least I put it in a bowl today's cookie dough. 
  • We have a Turkey Hill ice cream/movie/make your own Sunday night a couple times/month (more often in the summer and frequent Carmen and David's and the Jigger Shop, too!).
  • We have a "pig-out" snack meal one Sunday every month (mini NOT ORGANIC hot dogs, summer sausage, cheese and crackers, chips and salsa, cheesy dip, and sometimes Tony even makes his "as bad as you can eat Mexican dip" made with Hormel chili, tons of cheeses, sour cream, etc. or we order pizza that night.....just for fun!
  • I burn something to the pan, badly, at least once a month: last month it was a stick of butter that I melted for about 25 minutes, at least (put it in the pan and went outside to do some late late fall yard work -- yard work I didn't do in the early fall like everyone else)....last week it was a millet experiment that I forgot about and left on the stove til it was blackened to the bottom of the pan and the fire alarms were sounding. 
  • My bread doesn't rise right often.
  • I just made sugar cookie dough for Valentine's cookies for a bake sale and spooned out about three sugar cookie-size chunks of dough for myself before I refridgerated it. 
  • I've made juice and smoothie combos that were so bad I had to toss them
  • I made macaroni and cheese the other day no one wanted to eat -- not even Jules or Tony! 
  • All my cakes sink
  • I burn cookies and muffins regularly -- overcooked the muffins yesterday (fortunately, they weren't burnt!
  • I get totally irritated when someone is chomping on gum or popping bubbles near me, especially in church
  • ooo -- I know -- how about last week when I set my brand new linen dish towel on fire while using it in raising bread, or last month when I set my brand new fancy, dancy oven mits on fire by leaving them on the burner while it was lit!
  • I'm terrible at playing with toys with my kids
  • I waste too much time on Facebook or looking at clothes online which I'll probably never purchase.
  • I still get frustrated with my weight and shape.
  • I barely get enough water in my body daily...still don't like the taste and have to force-feed myself.
  • Big one -- I actually don't really enjoy baking, ever, or cooking, often. I do, however, love serving my family and I feel good about putting good things in their bellies, especially when it's flu season or I think about where would be if we hadn't changed course 4 years ago (fat, sick, tired, and in pain). 
  • I am a socially awkward person...just am. I make myself engage in conversations with people but it is really difficult for me to do. I always feel like I put my foot in my mouth and picture my self afterward as being a total goof. It's totally unnerving to me to talk with someone I barely know,but I try anyway -- I used to just hide behind my sunglasses and in the background and hope people didn't notice me not fitting in....thank God for my husband and his gift with people or I'd really be in a sad state!

Left this photo extra big so you could clearly see the not-organic, fully sugared Jigger Shop baked Alaska Julia consumed on one of our Mount Gretna visits! As you can see, it's the size of her head....and she ate the whole thing! 
I pray that starter-list gives ya'll hope! 

So, enough of my imperfections and weirdness. I could write that list for days, I expect. The purpose of this post isn't actually to analyze my own shortcomings, it's to encourage as many people as possible that becoming a healthy eater and mom-chef isn't about perfection. 

God created each of us beautifully and wonderfully. We are full of imperfections and we fall short in some way each day. The great thing is, we're still wonderful and precious in His site and he wants us to see ourselves as He does. So getting into guilt or feeling inadequate over our food is not what He wants and it's not what I want for you, either. 

I share nothing about food to make anyone feel bad. I share because I want to empower people to feel better and to believe that they can. But, whoever chooses not to, is still precious and wonderful as far as I'm concerned. I just know that I had such a difficult time finding sources and truths about food when we started this journey and if I can simplify that process in any way for someone else, then I truly want to and feel that, at this point in my life, it's what I'm supposed to do. 

Becoming a healthful eater is about doing the best you can, moving forward, not getting stuck in a food rut, and getting back on the train after you "blow it". Just because I overindulged in cookie dough doesn't mean I can't finish my water intake for the day, enjoy some green tea, have a green smoothie or fresh juice and a healthful dinner. It's not a big deal, even if i do have a hot flash because of it in about 45 minutes.....

Well, bread's in the oven so I better cut it short so I don't burn that, too, or catch anything on fire!

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